Papers under review/preprints/ in preparation
Pauen, S., Fumagalli, M., Gianni, M. L., Morniroli, D., Książek, J., Marijnissen, L., Southgate, V., Pluta, A., & Kampis, D. (under revision). Assessing self- and co-regulation in European caregiver-child dyads: Validity of the parental questionnaire IMMA-SF.
Kampis, D., Askitis, D., & Southgate, V. (under review). Altercentric bias in infants' encoding of object kind. [Link to preprint]
Wang, J., Mbarki, R., Manea, V., Kampis, D., (under review). Preverbal infants spontaneously expect rational quantity preferences from others.
Mbarki, R., Kampis, D., Wang, J. (under review) Intuitive nativists or empiricists? Folk theories vs. empirical realities of quantity decisions.
Kampis, D., Grosse Wiesmann, C., Southgate, V. (in prep.) Altercentric modulation decreases after the second year of life. (Manuscript in preparation)
Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals
Kampis, D., Poulsen, E., Parise, E., Askitis, D., & Southgate, V. (2024) 14-month-old infants show an n400 ERP effect when occluded objects are mislabeled. Infancy [Link]
Manea, V., Kampis, D.,, Grosse Wiesmann, C., Revencu, B., & Southgate, V. (2023). An initial but receding altercentric bias in preverbal human infants’ memory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(2000), 20230738. [Link]
Kampis, D., Lukowski Duplessy, H., Askitis, D., & Southgate, V. (2023). Training self-other distinction facilitates perspective taking in young children. Child Development, [Link]
Liszkai-Peres, K., Kampis, D., Király, I. (2022) 3-year-old children’s memory flexibility allows adaptation to an altered context. PLoS one. [Link]
Schuwerk, T.,* Kampis, D.*, [...] & Rakoczy, H., Frank, M.C. (2022). Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults. In-principle accepted Stage-1 Registered Report.
*denotes equal contribution
Kampis, D., & Kovács, Á. M. (2022). Seeing the world from others’ perspective: 14-month-olds show altercentric modulation effects by others’ beliefs. Open Mind, 1-19. [Link]
Wiesmann, C. G., Kampis, D., Poulsen, E., Schüler, C., Duplessy, H. L., & Southgate, V. (2022). Cognitive dissonance from 2 years of age: Toddlers', but not infants', blind choices induce preferences. Cognition, 223, 105039. [Link]
Kampis, D.*, Grosse Wiesmann, C.*, Koop, S., Southgate, V. (2021) Understanding the self in relation to others: Infants spontaneously map another's face to their own at 16–26 months. Developmental science. *denotes equal contribution [Link]
Kampis, D., & Csibra, G. (2021). Three cognitive mechanisms for knowledge tracking: commentary on Phillips et al, 2020, BBS.
Kampis, D., Karman, P., Csibra, G., Southgate, V., & Hernik, M. (2021). A two-lab direct replication attempt of Southgate, Senju, & Csibra (2007). [Link]
de Klerk, C. C., & Kampis, D. (2021). Is motor cortex deactivation during action observation related to imitation in infancy? A commentary on Köster et al., 2020. NeuroImage, 117848. [Link]
Kampis, D., Southgate, V. (2020) Altercentric cognition: how others influence our cognitive processing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(1), 945-959.
Kampis, D.*, Peres, K.*, Király, I. (2020) The flexibility of early memories: Limited re-evaluation of action steps in 2-year-old infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 203.
*denotes equal contribution
Kampis, D., Keszei, A., & Király, I. (2018) Encoding third-person epistemic states contributes to episodic reconstruction of memories. (Commentary on Mahr & Csibra: Why Do We Remember? The Communicative Function of Episodic Memory). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41.
Kampis, D., Fogd, D., Kovács, Á. M. (2017) Nonverbal components of Theory of Mind in typical and atypical development. Infant Behavior and Development, 48, 54-62.
Kampis, D., Parise, E., Csibra, G., Kovács, Á. M. (2016) On potential ocular artifacts in infant EEG: A reply to comments by Köster. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 283(1835).
Kampis, D., Parise, E., Csibra, G., Kovács, Á. M. (2015) Neural signatures for sustaining object representations attributed to others in preverbal human infants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B., 282: 20151683.
Kampis, D., Somogyi, E., Itakura, S., Király, I. (2013). Do infants bind mental states to agents?. Cognition, 129(2), 232-240.
Book chapters
Kampis, D., Buttelmann, F., & Kovács, Á. M. (2020). Developing a Theory of Mind: Are Infants Sensitive to How Other People Represent the World?. In: Jean Decety (Ed.) The Social Brain: A Developmental Perspective., MIT Press, Cambridge/London.
Kampis, D., Király, I., & Topál, J. (2014). Fidelity to cultural knowledge and the flexibility of memory in early childhood. In Pléh, Cs., Csibra, G., & Richerson, P. (Eds.), Naturalistic Approaches to Culture (pp. 157-169). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
Papers under review/preprints/ in preparation
Pauen, S., Fumagalli, M., Gianni, M. L., Morniroli, D., Książek, J., Marijnissen, L., Southgate, V., Pluta, A., & Kampis, D. (under revision). Assessing self- and co-regulation in European caregiver-child dyads: Validity of the parental questionnaire IMMA-SF.
Kampis, D., Askitis, D., & Southgate, V. (under review). Altercentric bias in infants' encoding of object kind. [Link to preprint]
Wang, J., Mbarki, R., Manea, V., Kampis, D., (under review). Preverbal infants spontaneously expect rational quantity preferences from others.
Mbarki, R., Kampis, D., Wang, J. (under review) Intuitive nativists or empiricists? Folk theories vs. empirical realities of quantity decisions.
Kampis, D., Grosse Wiesmann, C., Southgate, V. (in prep.) Altercentric modulation decreases after the second year of life. (Manuscript in preparation)
Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals
Kampis, D., Poulsen, E., Parise, E., Askitis, D., & Southgate, V. (2024) 14-month-old infants show an n400 ERP effect when occluded objects are mislabeled. Infancy [Link]
Manea, V., Kampis, D.,, Grosse Wiesmann, C., Revencu, B., & Southgate, V. (2023). An initial but receding altercentric bias in preverbal human infants’ memory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(2000), 20230738. [Link]
Kampis, D., Lukowski Duplessy, H., Askitis, D., & Southgate, V. (2023). Training self-other distinction facilitates perspective taking in young children. Child Development, [Link]
Liszkai-Peres, K., Kampis, D., Király, I. (2022) 3-year-old children’s memory flexibility allows adaptation to an altered context. PLoS one. [Link]
Schuwerk, T.,* Kampis, D.*, [...] & Rakoczy, H., Frank, M.C. (2022). Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults. In-principle accepted Stage-1 Registered Report.
*denotes equal contribution
Kampis, D., & Kovács, Á. M. (2022). Seeing the world from others’ perspective: 14-month-olds show altercentric modulation effects by others’ beliefs. Open Mind, 1-19. [Link]
Wiesmann, C. G., Kampis, D., Poulsen, E., Schüler, C., Duplessy, H. L., & Southgate, V. (2022). Cognitive dissonance from 2 years of age: Toddlers', but not infants', blind choices induce preferences. Cognition, 223, 105039. [Link]
Kampis, D.*, Grosse Wiesmann, C.*, Koop, S., Southgate, V. (2021) Understanding the self in relation to others: Infants spontaneously map another's face to their own at 16–26 months. Developmental science. *denotes equal contribution [Link]
Kampis, D., & Csibra, G. (2021). Three cognitive mechanisms for knowledge tracking: commentary on Phillips et al, 2020, BBS.
Kampis, D., Karman, P., Csibra, G., Southgate, V., & Hernik, M. (2021). A two-lab direct replication attempt of Southgate, Senju, & Csibra (2007). [Link]
de Klerk, C. C., & Kampis, D. (2021). Is motor cortex deactivation during action observation related to imitation in infancy? A commentary on Köster et al., 2020. NeuroImage, 117848. [Link]
Kampis, D., Southgate, V. (2020) Altercentric cognition: how others influence our cognitive processing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(1), 945-959.
Kampis, D.*, Peres, K.*, Király, I. (2020) The flexibility of early memories: Limited re-evaluation of action steps in 2-year-old infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 203.
*denotes equal contribution
Kampis, D., Keszei, A., & Király, I. (2018) Encoding third-person epistemic states contributes to episodic reconstruction of memories. (Commentary on Mahr & Csibra: Why Do We Remember? The Communicative Function of Episodic Memory). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41.
Kampis, D., Fogd, D., Kovács, Á. M. (2017) Nonverbal components of Theory of Mind in typical and atypical development. Infant Behavior and Development, 48, 54-62.
Kampis, D., Parise, E., Csibra, G., Kovács, Á. M. (2016) On potential ocular artifacts in infant EEG: A reply to comments by Köster. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 283(1835).
Kampis, D., Parise, E., Csibra, G., Kovács, Á. M. (2015) Neural signatures for sustaining object representations attributed to others in preverbal human infants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B., 282: 20151683.
Kampis, D., Somogyi, E., Itakura, S., Király, I. (2013). Do infants bind mental states to agents?. Cognition, 129(2), 232-240.
Book chapters
Kampis, D., Buttelmann, F., & Kovács, Á. M. (2020). Developing a Theory of Mind: Are Infants Sensitive to How Other People Represent the World?. In: Jean Decety (Ed.) The Social Brain: A Developmental Perspective., MIT Press, Cambridge/London.
Kampis, D., Király, I., & Topál, J. (2014). Fidelity to cultural knowledge and the flexibility of memory in early childhood. In Pléh, Cs., Csibra, G., & Richerson, P. (Eds.), Naturalistic Approaches to Culture (pp. 157-169). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.